Scientific Program

16/09/2008 a 19/09/2008

1 - Terms of reference

Panel 1 - Challenges for the insertion of developing countries in the global flows of scientific and technical information to face the globalization of health

The progress of the information and knowledge society is a global process sustained by the dynamic development of information and communication technologies. Nevertheless, the globalization of information flows demands the active inclusion of the developing world.

At the same time, the globalization of problems such as emergent and re-emergent diseases, environmental deterioration, adoption of risk behaviors and other problems, that end up hitting mostly developing countries, demands a globalization of solutions and opportunities. This panel will discuss strategies aimed to allow developing countries to take advantage of the opportunities opened by the globalization processes, particularly those that allow them to be inserted in international cooperative networks of knowledge production and access to informa tion to overcome the new challenges of the globalized world.

BVS-Agenda - V2.0
2008 | BIREME - Centro Latino Americano e do Caribe em Informação em Ciências da Saúde