Programa Científico

16/09/2008 a 19/09/2008

Criação e gestão de conhecimento para apoiar a adoção de tecnologias de saúde inovadoras no Sistema de Saúde do Reino Unido

  • painelista
    Professor, Head of Research, College of Medicine, Dentistry & Nursing, University of Dundee and member of College Executive Team, Professor of Health Informatics, Community Health Sciences Division, University of Dundee  - Escócia, Reino Unido

All health systems must address the problem of innovative health technologies – new drugs, devices, procedures or models of care – with the potential to improve clinical practice and patient outcomes but which may increase costs. In response to concern about variation in the availability and use of these technologies, the UK National Health Service (NHS) set up several organisations to help set priorities for the NHS:
• England, Wales and Northern Ireland: NICE, the National Institute for health & Clinical Excellence
• Scotland: The Scottish Medicines Consortium and the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network

The main role of these organisations is in fact knowledge assembly and knowledge management. This talk will describe how these organisations create their knowledge products, including:
• Evidence based practice guidelines which summarise what is known about the causes, prevention, diagnosis and management of specific health conditions• Technology appraisals which use health economic methods to calculate the cost effectiveness of innovative health technologies in specific patient groups
• Interventional procedures guidance that advises on the use of novel procedures and surgical operations

We will also describe how these organisations manage and disseminat e the knowledge they create to change patient and health professional behaviour and NHS policies. Finally, we will review the  impact of these organisations on the introduction of innovative technologies and geographical variations in patient access to these.

BVS-Agenda - V2.0
2008 | BIREME - Centro Latino Americano e do Caribe em Informação em Ciências da Saúde