
Program & Presentations

Scientific Program

Scientific Program – Panels

The scientific program of CRICS8 is organized by panels that will address the state of  art in a specific subject, with the participation of three specialists and the public.   One of the specialists will coordinate the panel and the others will present conferences with two critical visions of the subject.   Each panel has 1:30h of duration.   The coordinator will have 15 minutes to present the theme and the panelists will have 20 minutes each for their presentation followed by 30 minutes of dialogue and debate with the public.

 08:30 - 10:00 - Panel 1

The challenges for the insertion of the developing countries in the global flow of scientific and technical information considering the health  globalization

information as infrastructure; the barriers for the insertion, including language; international cooperation and the south-south in the development of global solutions; convergences; markets; public goods

10:30 – 12:00 -  Panel 2

The contribution of the information and knowledge in the processes of health sector reform in Latin America and the Caribbean

how the reforms were information-based: cases from Brazil, Chile, México; sources and types of information - specificity; emphasis in primary health care; publication of the results in the processes; review  of the literature as expression and evaluation of the results

13:30 – 15:00 -  Panel 3

Social Determinants:   the challenges for the information and knowledge  networks

knowledge translation – change of behavior; access capability and critical vision of information -  deal with manipulation; attractive presentation - user friendly information – solutions and restrictions

interoperation of information systems from different sectors; geo information system; information to expand and sustain the interventions and to strengthen the intersectorial coordinationl; the convergence of the public information and the other instances of the society

 15:30 – 17:00 -  Panel 4

Open access and information literacy (ALFIN):   a binomial of rights

rights and the information infrastructures; open access – pathways; public goods; policies and business models; convergence between supply and demand 

elite group that knows and the majority; dismantle the structure of the classical flows of information; scientific knowledge and democracy

18 September, 2008 – Thursday

8:30 – 10:00 -  Panel 5

The management of information and knowledge in the research, education, and health care systems:   new mediations, structures, models

productivity – global quality measure, regional; which indicators?

generation, dissemination and use of knowledge; the models and mediations; the libraries as public spaces of access and exchange of information and knowledge; professional insertion challenges

10:30 – 12:00 - Panel 6

The role of the information and knowledge in the technological innovation systems

 institutionalization and management; chain of relationships:   knowledge –technology – innovation – incorporation – health products utilization; information value; interfaces for the generation of knowledge and innovation – institutionalization; patent – utility models; trademark; copyright – intellectual property rights; standards, standardization – terminology

13:30 – 15:00 - Panel 7

The information, knowledge, and scientific evidences in the sanitary regulation

new developments in food (transgenic); genetic manipulation – vaccines and medicines; stem cells; informed participation of population; inadequate uses caused by dissemination of information; health literacy; patient information leaflet online

15:30 – 17:00 - Panel 8

Public spaces for exchange of information and knowledge

provide access–empowerment; overcome the barriers – language, educational levels, cultural, connectivity, etc; Mobile– wireless; mechanisms and  techniques for the translation and communication of research results; patient safety and quality of care services; excluded minorities – innovations for its inclusion; the place of the public librarie; TV soap opera case and health information dissemination; mediation solutions – cases public booths, BRAC, VHL station

19 September, 2008  – Friday

8:30 – 10:00 - Panel  9

The society as an actor for innovation

collective spaces of knowledge; the society and the control of the ICTs; social control – transparency – ethics; network learning; empowerment of citizen - information literacy

10:30 – 12:00 - Panel 10

Interoperation of sanitary and scientific information sources

innovation and democratization; data – numbers (micro and macro data); interoperation among data, texts and maps; open access of numerical data – give me the data; quality of public health information; ubiquity on the  management of information in health systems; reviewing Elath; increase the efficiency, effectiveness, quality of the systems and services; Mobile –implication in the health systems

13:30 – 15:00 - Panel 11

Tools and platforms for social and learning networks

can technology undermine the social determinants?; wisdom of the masses –aggregation of value; network, wikis, peers, etc.; tension between experts and novices; advances in methodologies, approaches and techniques in the processes in order to translate and provide a context to information, knowledge and evidences in health